Balkan Services is organizing a half-day live seminar on "ESG Reporting Step by Step" on September 18th.

During the seminar, we will discuss key issues such as:

  • What is the sustainability reporting process?
  • Who are the key roles, and what is their involvement in ESG reporting?
  • What are the challenges in producing the first ESG reports?
  • What are some possible solutions to overcome them?
  • What are the benefits of tools to automate ESG reporting?
  • How do you prepare a report that is ready for delivery?
  • Where do business, audit and ESG consultants meet?


The full agenda for the event can be viewed below.


WHEN: 18.09.2024, start 09:00.

WHERE: Hyatt Hotel, Botev Hall


WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP SUITABLE FOR: All those involved in the organization of non-financial sustainability reporting, ESG experts, CFOs and financial managers, accountants, and directors of investor relations.



Desislava Bulgaranova - Head of Finance Systems and Solutions Department and Partner at Balkan Services

Ilka Kiselova - Senior ESG Consultant at Balkan Services

Antonina Moteva - Senior Financial Systems & Solutions Consultant at Balkan Services

Vanya Yordanova - Senior Disclosure Management & XBRL Consultant


The fee for early registration until September 12 is 90 BGN, incl. VAT and the standard registration in the period 13-17.09 is 120 BGN, incl. VAT.



ESG Reporting Step-by-Step Workshop Programme:

09:00 - 09:30 Registration


9:30-9:40 Opening ceremony, presentation of topics and speakers

Welcome by Desislava Bulgaranova


9:40-10:00 ESG Reporting

Desislava Bulgaranova will present data from a global independent study and what the ESG reporting process covers


10:00-10:40 The ESG reporting process

Ilka Kiselova will focus on the essentials of CSRD reporting, the different steps in the process, the key roles, challenges, and solutions in ESG reporting, the importance of the double materiality assessment process, data that is already available in companies, whether CSRD requires more activity from businesses, and why.


10:40-11:10 ESG reporting made easy - an automated sustainability reporting solution

Antonina Moteva will present the benefits of tools to automate ESG reporting and demonstrate Lucanet's specialized ESG software that covers data collection processes, calculation of KPI's, data consolidation.


11:10-11:40 Coffee break

Break and networking.


11:40-12:10 Creating an ESG report from scratch - how to prepare a document ready for delivery

Vanya Yordanova will demonstrate the steps to create a ready-to-publish ESG report compliant with regulations and a solution to automate the ESG reporting process.


12:20-13:00 Panel discussion "The intersection of business, audit and consultants on ESG."

During the panel discussion, which includes a Q&A session, we will discuss with our guests:

- the most important aspects of auditing first reports

- features of reporting information on environmental aspects and those related to reporting on the topic "Climate."

- valuable lessons from a company that has successfully walked the ESG reporting path


13:00-14:00 Cocktail and networking