
Cablecommerce is among the leaders in commerce of cables, conductors, cable armature and appliances.


Atlantis ERP manages commercial, financial, accounting, production and repairs company’s activities. It traces the participation in auctions, dates of payments and analysis. The company keeps a constant on-line connection between all of its branches and stores around the country. The project includes data transfer from current applications, new user modules, connection to cash registers.

RFID - Program „Competitiveness and Innovation“ EU

Balkan Services successfully completed a pilot project for the integration of wireless networks operating in standard RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) with business software Atlantis ERP in Cablecommerce.

The project is highly innovative and allows all information about products entering or leaving the warehouses of the company in Sofia and Burgas, to appear in real time in its ERP system.

IT support

Balkan Services provides Cablecommerce Ltd. services in:

  • Support for virtual IT infrastructure based on Microsoft Hyper-V environment;
  • Oracle Database support.