Quality management – how important is it and how do we do it at Balkan Services?

The interview with Vladimir Rashev – Managing Partner at Balkan Services. is published in the special edition of “The Contribution of International Companies in Bulgaria” (30.11.2023-29.02204) of BGlobal.

How important is it to build a customer-oriented culture for a company’s competitiveness?

Frankly, I can’t think of a business that exists for any reason other than to satisfy the needs of its customers and help achieve their goals and interests.

To provide a quality, adequate service, it is very important to know well what customers need, otherwise, it will be a great challenge to offer the right products and services for them.

For us, building a customer-centric culture is based on our values. They are the compass that guides our decision-making. Accordingly, we strive to listen carefully and understand the true need hidden behind the customer’s words. This skill, combined with our experience as consultants, allows us to offer a competitive and quality service.

Often a client is convinced they need one solution, and in the course of the conversation, we find that there are other more suitable alternatives.

Read more: 4 business software implementation challenges – what do the experts advise

Do you have a strategy and specific process for improving the customer experience?

We have a long-term strategy as well as priorities set out in each team’s annual plan. We also conduct regular customer surveys for improvement.

For us, the customer experience starts with the first contact. We strive to ensure that every point of contact provides a pleasant customer experience. This includes our overall presentation as a company – website, digital channels, job postings, meetings during the sales process, project management and implementation, and subsequent development and support.

We strive to make sure our clients have clarity throughout the process – what they can expect from us, what we expect from them, and what the next steps are.

It’s important to us that what we promise at the beginning matches the result.

In the last few years, we have focused on improving the process and methodology of business software implementation (our core business), striving to become faster and deliver a better quality service. We believe this is key to the level of customer satisfaction.

For us, quality management is directly related to the level of customer experience. We recertify annually to several ISO standards, one of which is ISO 9001 – Quality Management System.

We also have a long-term internal project at the company level to create assets that allow us to interact much faster with customers and increase the quality of that interaction.

How do you measure customer satisfaction and how is feedback integrated into company operations?

Feedback on our work is a valuable guideline for development and we are always open to hearing it. We know that giving and receiving it is challenging, so we strive to build that culture first within the company. More and more clients are daring to share their honest opinions with us, for which I am extremely grateful.

We regularly measure and analyze the level of customer satisfaction with us. We must listen to each of our customers individually and consider what action to take based on the feedback we receive.

Most valuable to us is their honest guidance on what we can improve in specific areas of our work. We take the feedback extremely seriously, analyze it in detail, and identify specific actions, informing our clients what we will do to improve our work together.

No business today can grow and be competitive without the use of IT systems. Choosing the right software solution and implementing it is a complex, difficult but critically important decision.

At Balkan Services we have expert knowledge of business, technology, and legislation, and we speak all three languages. We will listen carefully and advise you on choosing the right business system for your needs.

Balkan Services has been supporting businesses on their digital transformation journey since 2006. We have already helped over 270 companies to digitalize their business by implementing well-established software solutions and IT infrastructure management.

Balkan Services
Balkan Services

Balkan Services has been implementing software solutions for businesses since 2006 and has completed more than 720 business software implementation projects and building complete IT infrastructure for 390+ companies. We follow a proven implementation methodology with clear steps and best practice know-how.