Managing business sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic for companies and their stakeholders. Social and environmental responsibility, together with good governance policies, are of interest to investors, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, local communities, regulators, and other business stakeholders.

To be able to monitor and demonstrate their objectives and progress, and communicate their results, from 2024 many companies are required to prepare and submit ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) reports.

Balkan Services offers services to prepare and set up a structured organization around ESG reporting, which is increasingly starting to be equated in importance and burden with financial reporting.

Report preparation is the final step of a longer and multi-faceted process. To help companies properly navigate the entire path to ESG reporting, we have enriched our portfolio of services with "ESG consulting".

The service aims to bring clarity, reduce stress in the organization, align understanding, and adjust levels of ESG engagement across the team in a way that builds on and improves current organizational processes without fundamentally changing them.

ESG consulting offered by Balkan Services includes 6 main components:

  1. ESG Training and Workshops
  2. Assessment of material topics as required by CSRD and ESRS
  3. ESG strategy development
  4. Preparation for CSRD reporting
  5. Preparation of a non-financial report ("ESG Report" or "Sustainability Report") as required by the CSRD and ESRS
  6. EU Taxonomy reporting

Need help navigating the vast topic of ESG?

Don't hesitate and contact us here >